As an opportunity for businesses to make a profit, the Obama family image and name has been thrown on anything marketable such as beanie babies, dog jerseys, canvas shoes, bobble head dolls, and even THONGS(and we are not talking about flip flops)!
Some marketers argue that they are portraying the President and his family as role models. Do you think this is true, or are they exploiting the 1st Family for financial gain?
Check out these websites to see some of the items that American consumers are purchasing:
Our responses:
Jessica Burton: I believe the Obama family is being exploited by the marketing world. President Obama's election will forever be known as a historical feat for America. It will be remembered without bobble head dolls, or beanie babies that mimic the President's daughters. The first family deserves a little respect and privacy. Let's stop trying to make another buck and give the Obamas a little space.
Brittany McBryde: It is a great, historic moment having the first African-American President. It is definitely an occasion to celebrate and remember. However, I feel the marketing world and consumers are going to the exteme. Obama and his family are on anything you can think of from coasters, shoes, aprons, ties, to Ty Beanie Babies that resemble the Obama girls. It is a little ridiculous and out of hand. Every President before simply had stickers, shirts, and buttons. The marketing world and consumers are taking advantage of a historic moment in our country.
Yuen Chun Wong: I don’t think that it is wrong for the marketing world to make a profit from the President and his family. It’s a miracle that President Obama won the election. He became an idol as any of his predecessors -- like Presidents Lincoln and Roosevelt. Whether his achievement is greater than theirs or not, the President and his family aren’t the usual public people like some movie stars. They are the people who live in White House. They are the American dream family. President Obama’s image and name belong to the people, belong to the nation and belong to history. This is not the first day that people have worshiped their leader. The market using their name and image to make products is not exploiting them, but it will popularize their family. Besides, in this economic crisis, their products benefit the market and native industry. I think the President and his family are not bothered by the market selling products using their image.
Admatha St Hillaire: In the world of marketing, I believe one man's gain is always at another man's expense. I feel divided on whether the portraying of the Obama family is a positive thing or if it is exploiting their family image. Yes, he is the "first" President of African descent, and his presidency should be commemorated. On the other hand, there should be a limit on how many knick-knacks that can come from this. In my opinion AUTHENTIC t-shirts, hats, even display china are okay, but dolls are redundant. There's always more than one way to make money, but, for the most part, I feel like if it is to have someone's name or face on it, like the Ty beanie babies named Shasha & Malia (president's daughters), when caught in the act, don't lie about it!
Blecccchhh. Never mind the Presidential action figures, bobble heads and election swag, the Ty Beanie Baby renditions of the President's daughters are WAY too much for me. It's all about media marketing these days, and it's just so TACKY. I wonder if JFK had been around today, would Caroline and John-John been marketed the same way since they were little ones (VERY little ones) as well.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't like Dad and Mom are putting an end to the media's objectification of their kids, however. I suppose it sort of comes with the territory though, the price of fame and all of that.
Oh, say, I guess it won't be too long before the plushy Ty dogs come out once the Obamas finally get their White House pet.
Oh we have to love publicity! I know everyone recalls the Britney Spears dilema.She was so over publicized for every move she made.Now granted she didnt make very good decisions but the truth about the matter is when you commit to such a job that requires alot of attention you take the media and publicity with it.It's kind of like a package deal.Do I agree with it? I believe the Obama family knew what they were getting themselves into going into this deal.Therefore I dont feel it is wrong for the media to market the image.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Ms. Jennings..
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with not promoting the children that is taking things a bit too far! I can see the president because he made history but not the children?
I am prety torn on this subject... I think that people do market on the newest, biggest commodity and Obama is that commodity right now. I do think that not so much should be focused on the children. He chose to run for president and his name to be known around the world... those girls are may end up embarrassed by some of the marketing as they get older.
ReplyDeleteEspecially in politics, if it is "controversal" there will be more memorabilia surrounding it. First black president, that is a marketing godsend in the this economy. Just like when bill Clinton had the affair with Monics... everyone had Bill and Monica masks for halloween that year. Marilyn and JFK... the happy birthday song can still be song in that sultry/whiny voice.
T shirts can still be found online mentioning Dan Quale's "potatoe" his-hap, Al Gore's "internet invention", and Nixon and "Deepthroat", ect...
Barack Obama and his family are making history beyond his being the first US President of African descent. This is a wonderful moment for Americans people. They are in many ways influencing our country, either on political and marketable issues. Even I don’t have a business major; I always hear that businesses use the newest and the most appropriate products to increase their profit. In the Obama’s case, I don’t see anything wrong to use their manes our pictures in the market selling. We should admit that they are famous, and this can make them more popular. I don’t think this is the first time the marketers use a famous person’s name our family in selling products. It is not exploiting the 1st Family for financial gain; it‘s all about business and profit.
ReplyDeleteAmerica is doing what we do best. finding new ways of celebrating mediocridity in order increase financial gain. Of coarse they are being exploited by the marketers. That's what they do best really. I think they are treating Obama and his family like zoo animals. they are overly exaggerating the fact that he is black and that he is in the White House. It seems that they care more about what he is rather than what he is trying to do for our country. the mass production of dolls and novelty items relating to the president and his family is completely obsurd. This country has fallen greatly in my eyes and other country's eyes as well. It almost makes me ashamed to be an American. We are more enticed with rather than virtue. why dont we try focusing on something like trying to get this country out of this financial jam!
ReplyDelete*we are more enticed with greed rather than virtue*
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you Zack about America seeking financial gain above all else. The sad truth is that "we" American consumers waste our money on such silly things and encourage Marketers to continue!
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ReplyDeleteI've had this thought of my own. I can't believe how much more publicity the Obama's have had compared to the other presidents. I mean I didn't see posters and thongs of George W. Bush or Bill Clinton. I get that this is a very historical election but it's no way to make extra money. I've seen so much about Obama like t-shirts and posters in Wal-Mart. I think it's just a way to get more money and that people should treat him such the same as any other president and not give him special treatment. This may be effecting those little girls as well. They have so much press on them and they're just little girls.
ReplyDeletethe OBAMAS are treated like celebreties and i think its rediculous that they make this stuff.
ReplyDeletei totally agree with I AM THE ZACK.
I totally agree with bearp2 and Admatha...this was a just one of many very historical events in our nations history and it had been taken to the extream.....As far as the Ty beanie babies go, they can say they weren't the presidents daughters but eveyone knows they were...and if they weren't why would they change the names of the beanie babies....i agree dont lie...In this situation the Ty company saw money and didn't realize the consequences
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's anything wrong with it. All the previous presidents could have done this too. It's just we have never had an African American with great idea of changing America's fate for a better future. And in face Obama is putting his ideas into actions. As long as he keeps America strong and in a right ethical way, nothing else matters
ReplyDeleteI believe that Americans try to make a dollar from just about anything. So if someone see's that selling President Obama merchandise will make a profit, then sure they will do it. There is nothing wrong with benefiting from someone else as long as you do not hurt them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Admantha, its understandable that he is the first African American president and people are going to go nuts over him. But, come on... thongs? really? I think businesses are taking this a little too far. Authentic items are fine however, other businesses shouldnt be allowed to make whatever they want just for a profit.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to say whether marketing the Obama family -like it is the new "in" thing to have- is right or wrong. However, it is a bit extreme.
ReplyDeleteIt is just another man's ploy to earn a buck off of something popular.
I find humor out of it all....
I'm wondering when the "I hate 'bama!" dolls and thongs are going to start surfacing....
ReplyDeletei don't think it is wrong for them to market obama if people buy it why not make it. but people need to focus on more of how well he does as a President
I see it as completely ridiculous! And honestly, him winning the election is not a big deal. The media is completely liberal biased! I personally think he is the worst choice. I have nothing wrong with a Black president. I think it should be whoever is the best choice to lead our nation. I couldn't care less about skin color. But he is not someone to look up to. He is affiliated with far too many things that are un-american.
ReplyDeleteThink back to some of his speeches. He literally said he has not been to all 57 states; only changing that statement when corrected. Did you know there are exactly 57 islamic states? Yea...what a coincidence.
Also, when he was in Germany. His speech there was frightening. I met a lady who moved here from Germany. She grew up shortly after WWII. She told me that to her the speech sounded almost identical to one given by Hitler during his campaign to take over the world. That's kinda scary if you ask me.
Another thing: his "minister"??? What the heck?!? Literally cursing and condemning out nation from the pulpit!! That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. And Obama sat under this treacherous teaching for years. We elected this person to lead our country? Wow!
I consider it tragedy that our once great nation has given it's highest level of power to a man like this. It scares me to think of what will become of our country.
As for the marketing...he wanted to be in the spotlight. He needs to suck it up and deal with it. There have been things like this for many public figures throughout the years. He is no different.
In resposne to Rony, it is not all about "business and profit" If someone feels wrong about something and wishes that they were not to be memoralized in such a fashion their wishes should be honored. I still strongly beleive it is exploiting. You wouldn't like it if your name our picture was put on something and they were making grands off of it and not only do you not like the product but are not getting any profit.
ReplyDelete"The media is completely liberal biased!"
ReplyDeleteAside from Fox news and most radio affiliates, right, Jesse?
The people marketing Obama memorabilia have that right in our free market society. There should be some self-restraint on the part of businesses not to diminish or trivialize the presidency for a buck. There are laws governing the use of people's images and intellectual property. You can not use actor's likenesses to promote or advertise products without their explicit endorsement. I wonder if that might apply in these types of cases. I think it does in any case make us look a bit classless and shallow as a nation. I have not heard anyone ask if the Obamas are profiting from these sales. It would be very disappointing if that were the case. If Barack Obama had tried to stop these businesses from exploiting his family, I think he would have been successful. In the end we are talking about things like this instead of making sure a liberal president and an ultra-liberal congress do not destroy this nation on their way to trying to saving it, no matter how noble but misguided their efforts might be.
ReplyDeleteThe marketing industries are the fist,to make money,from any famous person's or anything
ReplyDeleteelse that they can earn profit. Since,Obama became president. He and his family became public images. I don't think the Obama's family is being exploited by the marketing industries,because in this country, if anyone earn money appropriatly and honestly,it is Okay to make money from someone else.
I do not believe that marketing companies should continue mass-marketing the president. All that they are accomplishing is turning President Obama into a spectacle. Honestly, have you ever known a president with his own comic book and action figure?
ReplyDeleteWhen Obama first won the election, of course there were going to be shirts and buttons and simple little knick knacks of that sort. But when they start selling the children as dolls, they are no longer celebrating him as a president they are simply exploiting his family for a quick buck. I thjink it's great to celebrate this wonderful historic moment, but there is a fine line between celebrating and exploiting this great moment in history. And these marketers are now EXPLOITING the president and his family NOT celebrating it anymore.
ReplyDeleteActually, Miss Jennings, even Fox news, and all the radio talk shows I listened to during the presidential campaign, were promoting Obama. Fox wasn't as bad as the others, but they did not give much support to McCain. The radio talk shows were doing all they could to break-down McCain and lift up obama. It turned into a "Im voting for Obama cause Im not a racist" setting where many young voters that are not african american felt they would be viewed as "racist" if they didn't vote for obama. Well, I voted for McCain; not because of the color of his skin, but because I strongly disagree with his policies and his stances on gay marriage and abortion.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, I believe that the media is 99% liberally biased.
These businesses say they are portraying the family as role models but they are marketing businesses! They aren't going to admit to exploiting the Obama family in order to make money from us consumers. This should be expected after all President Obama is the first African-American president. Everyone wants to have a part of this history and these businesses take advantage of it by selling it to us.