In Riverside, California, an appeals court has ruled that a Christian high school can expel students because of an alleged lesbian relationship. Was this an appropriate action?
What ever happened to WWJD?!
I believe since it is a Christian school that it is okay for this to happen. In the Bible it states for a relationship should be between one man and one woman. If these girls still wanted to go to this school then they should keep the sexual preferance a secret and not openly tell anyone. This may offend some of the students and staff there. If these girls want to go to a Christian school, they need to change their ways because it is not Christian to be homosexual.
- Brittani Earp
Christians Don't Discriminate!
I am a Christian and believe in God. I don't discriminate any individual with sexual preferance. I think Christain schools should not discriminate students based on sexual orientation, because your faith in God has nothing to do with sexual preferance.
- Maritza Miranda
Ever heard of little thing called Code Of Conduct???
Not everyone that goes to a Christain school is necesarilly Chritstian. Some kids are sent there because of their parents. But I do think it is a right thing to do because it is a Christian school. Christian schools have their own standards, and a code of conduct. If people believe in God then they should know that the bible says ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN. Christian schools should definately not allow their students to flaunt their sexual orientation around the shcool.
- Kyndra Travis
A Christian school is a Christian school. Lesbian is not Christian.
Since this is a Christian school and not a public school, they do have a say in the matter. These types of schools have different standards and if any student is to attend a Christian school, they are to abide by the requirements. But I personally feel that since it is a Christian school it was an appropriate action. No student should be aloud at a Christian school if they cant abide the religion.
- Brittany Beauville
Friday, January 30, 2009
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I hate to be the one to initiate the discussion, but I do what I must...
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting case. On the one hand, this is a private school sanctioned by a dominant religious affiliation that frowns upon homosexuality. On the other hand, what the administration has done is absolutely discriminatory.
Since the school is privately funded, it is -- and I don't know how to put this well -- "self-governed." The admin and board have the capability to handle a situation like this as they see fit.
Since all the private schools are Christian schools, it doesn't mean that the students have to be Christians. Most of the parents who put their kids in such schools usually because they want them to have a better education other than at public schools. I think all the disciplines at a private school is much more better than a public one. So, by going to private schools like that the students don't have to pursue the religion, but simply because of educational purpose. Therefore, I don't see why the school can expell students because their homosexuality.
ReplyDeleteKyndra, I have to concur with you -- the Code of Conduct ought to have been taken into consideration as well. Most schools -- private and public -- have set guidelines for behavior.
ReplyDeleteJessica Burton
ReplyDeleteI believe the school does have the right to expel the students for their sexual orientation but maybe another method of discipline could have been used. The school teaches from the Bible and God does speak against homosexuality, however just because someone attends a Christian school does not mean they have made the commitment to serve Jesus Christ or even have the desire to do so. I am a Christian and believe homosexuality is wrong but I also believe that God tells us to love one another. Maybe the girls need someone to talk to. Maybe they want to hear that someone cares about them even if that someone doesn't agree with their lifestyle. I don't condone homosexuality but I do think that expelling the girls from school rather than trieing to talk to them and solve the issue at hand in a more understanding way will cause them to forever shun the idea of Christianity. It could also cause them to label all Christians as religous hypocrites.
Even though I am one hundred percent behind gay relationships this question is difficult to answer. I feel that going to a Christian high school means abiding by the Christian ways. The school made an appropriate religious decision but also a very wrong one. The bible states that a relationship should be between a man and a woman, but isn't God suppose to love and accept us all? In some ways I feel the school was right to do what they did since it is a Christian school, but I also find it very hypocritical since God loves everyone no matter what race, gender, age, or lifestyle.
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ReplyDeleteIt is a Christian school, and they oppose gay/lesbian relationships. Therefore, it should not be such a shocker that they expelled a lesbian couple. However, I believe that you can be gay/lesbian and still be a Christian. Christian schools shouldn't descriminate and make people who are happy being with the same sex feel like such freaks. In fact, nobody should. True Christians tolerate people who have different lifestyles and do not descriminate.
ReplyDeleteYes, i feel the school had a right to expell them since it is a private school. BUT I DO NOT agree with their decision.
I believe people have their own personal rights, no matter their sexual preference.I could understand if they showed their lesbain relationship in public at the school but not just for dating.I don't believe it is fair or right to them as students and as human beings.
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ReplyDeleteResponse to kelly (mia-Thao)...i feel as stated above in my section of the blog, that if these kids are to stay in this schools the admin, and everyone else that properly makes that school function, are going against their religion. The bible says put no man before me and if they are to allow these kids to remain in this school the faculty and staff are putting the kids and their education before God. I consider this a religion based reaction to what need to be done.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the school's decision to expell the couple was justified. granted, people should discriminate against gay couples in anyway and I also believe that they are people too. But being a Christain my self, I also believe that they should have abided by the school rules or conduct and kept the relationship a secret. Christian schools abide by the bible as well as their own specific code of conduct. If students choose not to follow the school rules then they qualify for expulsion just like any other school.
ReplyDeletepeople shouldn'nt discriminate ;)
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ReplyDeleteIn response to Brittani E and Brittani B... The bible states that you should not descriminate. Solely expelling a student because of their gender is not only descrimination and hypocritical, but immoral. Christians are supposed to accept everyone regardless of their lifestyle. You can be gay and still be christian. Not all christians go by the word of the bible.
ReplyDeleteI am a christian but I personally dont discriminate against others beliefs or sexual orientation. I feel it was their prerogative to choose such a risky behavior, however as mentioned these are private schools and they have their own advantages as well as disadvantages. Im sure the parents pay a considerable amount of money and would not have forseen something such as this to happen.Do I feel it is right to deny an individual an education based on sexual orientation? Absolutely not but then again there are disadvantages?
ReplyDeleteI do not think that the school should be allowed to expel a student for sexual orientation. I understand why alot of people believe that would be OK, but to me the main reason why I would be against it is the fact that in the bible; even thought it does say one man and one woman, it also says thou shall not judge. Judgement is to be left to god himself. It is un-christian like to turn their backs and push teens away. These teens still have their whole lives to redirect their path to god. Turning your back and punishing someone for what you think is wrong is not going to resolve the issue; it will just mask it and help that person find the error in their ways. This was a very easy answer for me. However, I am not an "active" christian and I support gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Kyn..No offense but I dont feel expelling the students will make a difference. if you were the principal and decided one night you wanted to go out and have a good time but got a little carried away and one of the parents happened to see this act, you would lose your job. What we dont take into consideration is that everyone makes mistakes and is this really a mistake?
ReplyDeleteThere's more than just the issues of school/religion/sexual orientation in this. The fact that the girls had their MySpace page(s) set to public, to me, was indicative of the current cultural trend of advertising one's personal issues to the general public, which is too Jerry Springer for words and...well...just plain TACKY.
ReplyDeleteIt actually harkens to an old old old old television game show, Queen for a Day, where women would try to top the other with their personal problems. The audience would pick the woman who had it the worst, and she would be the Queen for a Day and win all sorts of prizes to aid her in dealing with her problems at home.
I have to agree Ms. Jennings. I dont feel parading yor information all over gods creation is a smart idea. it simply says I WANT ATTENTION! Unfortunetly with our generation this is not uncommon!
ReplyDeleteIn response to Karli, God does love everyone and christians are to love but homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God. God tells christians to love the sinner not the sin. Some one who calls themself a christian is also supposed to live by the Word of God which is the bible so I don't understand the discrimination comment. It is a christian school with christian guidelines which apparently were crossed by the students in some way.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about myspace. I personally have a myspace account, I use it for contact with friends that have moved away and "apps" entertainment. My acct is set to private but for a completely different reason. I have a young son and while I was pregnant I had information on there about how far along in my pregnancy I was. My mother, who I think is a bit high strung, wanted me to close it all together. I did set it to private upon her request and I am glad I did. Her reasoning for not displaying this personal information was for the safty of my son. She was, and still is, concerned about people that kidnap small children to raise as their own. She thought that I woudl be in danger posting my pregnancy because shortly before I had my son was when the lady in tampa was killed and her child taken from her womb. We live in a private neighborhood and she would not even let us put out a sign that said "It's a Boy". I am glad my myspace is private because there is that danger; plus, it is no one business but the people allow to know myself personally.
ReplyDeleteI believe this is an appropraite action. The bible says (New International Version) "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." Which means being a lesbian is forbidden. Don't go to a school that has rules you aren't going to follow.
ReplyDeleteTo Summer:
ReplyDeleteI think you have somewhat altered my opinion now haha. You are definately right about when you said--Judgement is to be left to god himself. It is un-christian like to turn their backs and push teens away.--
Now that you've said this, im thinking maybe they shouldnt have expelled them but maybe suspension would have been a better idea, because no PDA is a rule at any highschool. But you are so right about them pushing them away. They are a christian school so they should help them and like you said- These teens still have their whole lives to redirect their path to god.- They could teach them christian ways and help them out.
Yes you shouldn't judge and not every Christain abid and follows every rule of the Bible but I think that the Christain school should because it would be a little hypocritical if they were not to follow what the Bible says. Yes thou shall not judge but it is one man and one woman. I do have no problem with gay marriage but I think that going to a Christain school they should have boundaries when it comes to this stuff. Yes their parents are probably paying a lot of money for them to go to this private school and to have a good education, but there are other privates schools they can go to where it isn't a problem to express your sexual orientation.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Jessica, not all Christian abide by the bible. Many, many Christians believe in dinosaurs, after all. You can be Christian, believe in God, but practice your own way of worshiping and believing in him.
ReplyDeleteIf you suspend a student from a "Christian School" simply because they have shown "lesbian behavior" or have a homosexual parent this is very much discriminatory. Not all Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin. After all, there are gay bishops and pastors. And they are very much Christian.
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ReplyDeleteBrittney Tanner
ReplyDeleteYea that's true.Everyone does make mistakes.
I deleted my comment because now i have mixxed feelings about this
I think the school is the place that educate and admonish student. If the Christian school insisted that the lesbian relationship, they should teach the lesbian student in right way but not expel them out of school.
ReplyDeleteI am not a christian but I think the school shouldn't abandon any student at all.
I personally don't think it's right that you can be expelled for your sexually orienatation. The school system shouldn't be allowd to have the right to hold your sexual preference against you. The reason to go to school is to get an education, not to be discriminated against.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that I would agree with the school system on is, if the students are disrupting other students then they should be delt with. But not expelled.
I completely agree with the schools decision. I am 100% against homosexuality. As stated in other comments, the Bible says ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN!!! Is it really so difficult to see that the cause of homosexuality is the depravity of man? (i.e. Sin)
ReplyDeleteChristian schools are set apart from public schools in that they hold to a higher standard. Expelling a student due to their sexual orientation is justified in what they believe. No court should have to tell them that they are allowed to do the right thing.
Our country is headed for desater! Look at the city of Sadam in the Bible. The final sin that entered there before God destroyed it was homosexuality. What do you think is going to happen to this country due to our ridiculous tolerance of this disgusting lifestyle?
God is love. But at the same time, he is Just! And he cannot allow sin in his presence. That's why Jesus died on the cross: to give us a chance to change from our selfish, sinful ways and live a life pleasing to God. That is the only reason we are here.
If you don't understand something I said, just come ask me. Im the really tall one..
I agree Maritza Miranda. I am also a christian and I do not believe in discrimination of any kind. I understand that private schools have the power to expel anyone they feel is in not right for their school, but as christians, we are suppose to promote tolerance.
ReplyDeleteWell put Jesse - "God is love, but at the same time, he is Just"
ReplyDeleteI believe it was right to expell her since it was a christian school. Christian schools needs to set themselves apart from the public schools, and not conform to what the world might think is right. In Genesis it says that God created a woman,Eve, for the first man, Adam.
Again, it is a matter of who/what funds the school. Private schools are "privately funded." Therefore, they are able to enact their own standards and school policy without too much interference from the state.
ReplyDeleteI believe that every single school in this country, public or private, has a guideline behavior. I think a Christian high school can expel students for any unappropriate behavior listed in its guideline. I don’t think any Christian school will approve homosexuality in its guideline depending on what the bible says. I am strongly disagreeing with people who think it is about discrimination. No, it is about guideline for behavior. For example, PCC as a public school has a smoking policy. “Smoking is permitted in designated outdoor areas only”. I don’t think a teacher or any other person in the PCC’s staff will accept a student with a cigarette in a class, in the TlCC or in the Library. Once again, expelling a student for his or her sexual attraction is about guideline behavior, not about discrimination.
ReplyDelete-Rony Alnord
I don't see the point of it being a christian school but not having the right to run there school as christians. The bible says one man one women and nothing else! The school should have the right to run the school with christian beliefs not states beliefs. This should be expected if you go to this type of school.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Michael what would be the point of going to a Christian school if it had to be run just like the public schools. Isn’t t that why they made the Christian school so they could control the rules and what is taught.
I believe there are too many distractions in our learning institutions. Public displays of sexuality do not belong in schools period. It makes some students uncomfortable, while others are introduced to emotions that might not show up until later in life. School sponsored athletic programs are one of the biggest threats to learning. It puts an inordinate amount of attention on things that have nothing to do with learning, in fact the opposite is usually true. A privately financed organization of any kind should be able to make its own decisions on what it considers unacceptable behavior. Especially when most people send their children to private schools because the public schools are a disaster, where the students are insubordinate and violent, and have more power than the faculty, and there is no threat of consequences for bad behavior. I agree the school had the right and the obligation to expel the students.
ReplyDeleteThis is extremely wrong. If these two girls were really lesbians, then that is their business. It's not anyone else's business to be putting out there for everyone to hear about. Even though they were attending a Christian high school doesn't mean their rights were taken away from them. People change and if they decided or even if they couldn't help being lesbian, they can do what they want.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with the school, and don't agree with a lot of what religious people believe. That being said, the school is private and should have the right to expell anyone they want to. If it is the belief in that school that homosexuality is wrong then those girls are better off at a public school where they don't have to hide who they are.
ReplyDeleteTo begin with I am against gay everything! So I do beleive that the school had every right to expell the young ladies due to a LESBIAN realationship. For the most part students that attend private schools or these so called "christian" schools should know that they do have their own standards like Kyndra said. So if you place yourself in a certain enviroment where you have to abide by certain rules; there is no reason for you not to face the consequences of your actions once you have decided to break rules. I am pretty sure if other students get caught in such affairs such as these ladies that they too will get expelled. Now if it were a public school than maybe there would be a problem but since it is a private school, they do have the right to do as they may to a certain extent. Lesbian is not something viewed as being christian so therefor, the school was correct in the decision of removing the girls from the school. If you want to display your gay ways, then do it in a public school!