Friday, March 13, 2009

Is going green the right thing to do?

“Going Green” is the wave of the future for most major companies. Helping to cut down on the use of fossil fuels and reduce pollution are the major goals of going green. Many of these big companies use a lot on energy, but now they’re changing the way they operate to help prevent the risk of global warming for our future generations. Hewlard Packard, Toyota and many more major companies are changing their operating procedures to help the environment.

Will this actually benefit our world for future generations?


One company that stands out for going green is Toyota. Their new Prius hybrid is very fuel efficient -- it gets about 48 miles per gallon, a 40% increase in fuel efficiency over average vehicles. Another benefit is lowered emissions. Emissions can be reduced from 25% to 90%, when comparing hybrid cars to conventional gas-powered vehicles. The good thing about it is that it reduces gas emissions and slows down global warming. This is a great way to help save the environment and improve our overall quality of life.


Who doesn’t like saving money these days? Hewlard Packard, the second largest company based on sales, is going green on almost all of their computers. What does this mean for you? The biggest benefit would be having a computer that would consume about 40% less energy than a non “green” computer, which, in return, would make your electric bill a lot cheaper. If you’re on your computer as much as I am, that would be a big savings for you. The other great reason for buying a green PC would be, it will be manufactured with almost all recycled parts. The more we recycle, the less waste we will use and the better it will be for our environment for not only us, but our future generations as well.


I do not have enough time to explain all the facts that make global warming a giant hoax perpetrated to tax United States companies and individuals through the insidious "Cap and Trade" or carbon tax legislation proposed by Congress. The rest of the world, that represents 77% of the energy consumption, will not participate. Hitler once said "The bigger the lie, and the more often you tell the lie, the more people will believe it". Approximately 3% of the carbon dioxide, 8% of methane, and 5% of nitrous oxide emissions are man made. Carbon dioxide is only a minor greenhouse gas—95% of the greenhouse effect is from water vapor and clouds. The rest occur naturally because they are vital to life on earth. Increased CO2 levels actually benefits nature by increasing photosynthesis in plants, which, in turn, causes more forestation and increased oxygen output.

As any geologist would know, 450 million years ago, when carbon dioxide levels were ten times higher than today, the earth went into an ice age. We have only warmed .6 of one degree C. in the last 100 years, and that was during the industrial revolution. Temperatures in 1938 were the warmest in recorded history. Temperatures all over the planet have been cooling since 1998, and the polar ice caps are growing at a rapid pace.

Don’t forget the same goofballs in the 1970’s were predicting an ice age in 10 years. Global warming is a giant boondoggle perpetrated by the Marxist/Leninist far left Democratic Party, along with biased, sycophantic and complicit media. This is simply a power grab by socialists, and a vehicle for the redistribution of wealth. When all is said and done, it boils down to this: for the bargain price of just $300 trillion of your money, we could theoretically lower global mean temperature by about 1 degree C., and even that 1 degree C is debatable.


“Climate and Energy.” Hewlett-Packard Development Company 2009. 11 Mar. 2009 .


  1. I believe going green is a wonderful idea.You know that old saying "it's better to be safe then sorry" well this is the perfect example.We all know the ozone is slowly depleting and it will only continue to get hotter and hotter. The whether patterns will get out of control and the sea life will drastically change. It is such a big process but we def. need to take action now if not yesterday!

  2. All global warming or global cooling aside (I'm truly conflicted on this issue--there is ample evidence to support either vantage), I think Going Green is simply "neater." Anything that preserves our natural livelihood is worthwhile in the long run. I like to be able to breathe air that isn't clogged with noxious fumes (having lived in several major cities saturated with traffic congestion, I think I can attest that it makes breathing a little easier). I like the idea of recycling as well, thus, reusing our resources rather than being wasteful. It just seems good for our well-being all around.

  3. Going green is the smartest thing we've come up with yet. Agreeing with Johnny, this process does save alot of money. Plus it will help our enviornment so why shouldn't we try to do something to help the future? The earth is in a changing period so anything we do will be postive for the earth.

  4. Responding to Pro. Jennings,

    I totally agree with your response! I've lived near Baltimore my whole life and I have very bad asthma and I know what is like not be able to breath. It's the worst feeling in the world! If "Going Green" could help clear up our major cities from smog, then it will benefit not only our environment, but the people effected by breathing problems that live there.

  5. Yes-Go Green.
    Save the world!

    What made me realize how bad global warming is getting was a documentary film by Al Gore.
    I know ppl have their opinions about the man.. but it is a great film showing that the world is suffering.. and it's only getting worse. He does a great job showing how if we dont change soon.. the horrifying damages and catastrophes that can happen to the earth years to come.

  6. Going green is forever a hot topic and everybody agrees we should put it that way. There's nothing more important than a clean, pure environment for us to live in. Especially in a country full of cars and industries, the air is being polluted everyday. Therefore, we should have solutions like making hybrid cars and getting rid of bad chemicals from industries etc...

  7. I think that every little bit helps. That if not everyone puts in their help, then it's not going to do any good because it takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. I think this is a good idea. This will save so much energy that is not useful and will help our plant. This may also help people become less lazy. If they have to actually work to do something and make it more energy efficient then they may start doing more things like exercising.

  8. Well, global warming is a hoax. We had the longest cold seasone in over 20years this year. Plus, the weather patterns fluxuate every year. It's nothing new. Some years are hotter than others, and vice versa. That is nothing to worry about.

    As for David's claim of millions of years, how would you prove to me that this earth has been here that long? I happen to strongly disagree with that. More like less than 10,000 (closer to 7,000). But that is not the issue. Global warming is all bogus and is just a way for the government to make more money. What do they need it for?

    But, reusing what we have is just being resourceful. It's not really a pressing issue, but there is nothing wrong with that. That is being good stewards with that God supplied the planet with. But this world is not going to destroy itself. So even if it was getting warmer, there is nothing to worry about. We can't stop that.

  9. "Going green" is a good idea because it saves our environment from the harmful chemicals that humans produce. The Prius is one of the most revolutionary cars on the market today, and making computers out of mostly recyclable material is vital to slowing the exponential rate of growth in landfills. All of this seams like the natural progression our culture.

  10. In response to Jesse,

    Global Warming is NO HOAX! Since 1979, the polar ice caps have shrunk more than 20% and continues to increase every year.

    Also, in the year 2000, the polar ice cap's started cracking. And just two years later it was in two pieces! Explain this? If we have fluxuations in temperatures since the beginning of time, then why all of a sudden is it effecting us so hard in the last 100 years. Maybe in the last 100 years we've had inventions like cars, diesel engines, computers and other major pulloting devices!

    Source for info-

  11. Its about time that we humans started taking responsibility for our own actions instead of trying to obliterate the world with bombs and toxic fumes. Going green will not only cleanse our enviroment but our lungs as well. People that live in big city areas and places where there are a lot of toxins are getting sick and feeling low because of all the harmful substances in the air.

  12. Going green will benefit everyone who lives on earth. It will be cheaper, cleaner, and less- toxic if we do go green. The PURPOSE of going green is not only to reduce harmful toxins in the air, but water and land pollution.

    According to the US Green Building Council the USA’s office buildings use 42% of total energy consumption, 65% of total electricity consumption, 40% of greenhouse gas emissions, 30% of raw materials use (136 million tons annually), 50% of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, 12% of potable water(5 billion gallons) used daily, and 12% of land use.

    The average green building saves 30-70 percent in energy savings, 35-50 percent in carbon dioxide emissions and water us, and 50-90 percent in waste costs.

    The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that if each building owner took on the challenge to become green, by 2015, Americans would reduce the greenhouse gas emmissions by amounts EQUAL to the emmissions from 15 million vehicles, while saving 10 billion dollars.

    According to a study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , in the US alone, the estimated potential annual savings and productivity gains from better indoor environments are $6 billion. $14billlion from reduced respiratory disease, $1 billion-$4billion from reduced allergies and asthma, $30 billion from reduced “sick building” syndrome symptoms, $160 billion from direct improvements in worker performance unrelated to health.

    “Therefore, according to the USGBC, "going green" has a triple ripple effect to the bottom line -- environment, economics, and people. Better buildings not only add up to an improved effect on the surrounding environment, but also lower operating costs and enhanced employee productivity in terms of higher attendance and recruitment rates, lower turnover, and a seven-percent increase in overall productivity.”


    Keep in mind that there are more benefits other than preventing "global warming"

  13. i think we should do anything we can to help the enviroment

  14. While cost is always a consideration, the evidence is mounting that going green does not have to impact the financial bottom line. Thoughtful planning and design can make the transition to greener facilities easier, with a minimum of cost impact. In addition, even simple changes can lead to savings in energy used, carbon emitted, and money spent.

    As the threat of global warming continues to grow, sustainable facilities and site planning are becoming more imperative. Embracing green design not only reduces the impact of buildings on the natural environment, but can also greatly benefit businesses in financial and nonfinancial ways.
    In addition, just as more businesses are showing a preference for green offices, more people are showing a preference for living in cleaner, greener cities and communities. As the cost of fuel continues to rise, public desire for more efficient buildings, better public transportation options, and better protection of green spaces, water, and other natural resources can be expected to also increase.

  15. Going Green is a GREAT idea, as long as we ALL participate. Like bearp2 said, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. So true! If we want to make something this huge happen, we need to work together. I honestly think we won't all work together, however, every little bit does help in SOME way.

  16. I do agree with Charles and Johnny and feel like companies should make and effort to GO GREEN! You can't live with contaminated oxygen for but so long if you catch my drift. If this is a way for Americans to not only get a better quality of life, but more for their buck then I am all for it!

  17. i agree with going green... every little thing from recycling your soda bottle to solar panels helps. The one things that ishard about going green in the begining is that it cost more up front. But like everything... you get what you pay for. GO GREEN. Do it for the future.

    Global Warming is NOT A HOAX. we are always heading either for the ice age or global warming. It is also annoying when someone use degrees celcius as an example. The reason it is used is because it is a bigger unit of measure. If it was showing in degrees farenhiet (which is what we use int he USA) it is nearly doubled. People who think it is a hoax uses celcius to downplay as much as possible. CO2 omitions create a blanket over our atmoshpere which allows the suns rays to enter but does not allow the heat to escape, thus dubbing it "the green house effect". this works much like insulated window.

    Green can help reduce the CO2 omitions and there is a way to reduce the already created "blanket" however this is not the original topic...

    GO GREEN it is good for you, it is good for the enviroment, and it is good for the future of the world.

  18. In the case of global warming, people need to realize that the Earth changes. It fluxuates because things do not just stabolize and stay that way for ever. It is the cycle of nature. Things start, grow, stabolize and become prosperous, then for what ever reason, die. That is how life on this Earth works. It's not perfect but that is the habit of man and nature. On the topic of going green, it is very good that people are begining to be more fuel efficiant like the prius, but to buy a prius you would have to sell your arms and legs. If they truly want to go green, make them cheaper. That would make more people want to buy them and help solve the gas problem. Otherwise, the whole going green thing is not a bad idea.

  19. I think that going green is a good thing. In the long run this change will have a better effect on the world then the way we are going now.
    Castor B. TR.11am

  20. Going green saves money and resources. If we used green alternatives for energy like solar or wind power we would not have to rely on foreign oil or resources. When we use energy efficient or ‘green’ products in our home we save on money that we would have spent on the electric or water that non-green products would have wasted.

    -Danielle L. TR 11-12:15

  21. Yes,it woulb help the future generations because less trees would be imputated from nature.We as people however need as many trees we can in order to have enough oxigen to breathe.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. In response to David...

    First of all, who in their right mind quotes Hitler??

    Secondly, you claimed that "The rest of the world, that represents 77% of the energy consumption, will not participate."Quite frankly the vast majority of Europe and Asia have gone green (this includes Sweden and Amsterdam).

    You also contradict yourself :
    First you say that the earth has warmed .6 of one degree C in the last 100 years, and that was during the industrial revolution.

    Then you stated "Temperatures all over the planet have been cooling since 1998, and the polar ice caps are growing at a rapid pace."

    So you're saying that the earth has been warming in the past 100 years, but the temperature has been cooling?

    Not to mention that your information is incorrect.... The polar ice caps are infact SHRINKING at a rapid pace. []

    Maybe you should actually research what your bashing before you do so...

    I think any of the arguments that you have made in class have stemmed from the paranoid fear that "the man" aka government is spending your preciously earned money unwisely.

    I ask you this: How does green peace -a non-profit organization- make it's way back to the government? How is the government making a profit off of the world making wiser choices of how to manage energy and recources??


  25. In response to Jesse...

    There is an undeniable amount of SCIENTIFIC PROOF (ie: dinosaurs, carbon dating, etc) that the earth is approx. 4.5-4.6 BILLION years old.

    You stated that " We had the longest cold seasone in over 20years this year. Plus, the weather patterns fluxuate every year. It's nothing new. Some years are hotter than others, and vice versa. That is nothing to worry about."

    This, in fact, is a cause of global warming. Yes, the weather patterns fluctuate every year, but these patterns fluctuate even more so today because of the impact man has on the earth, specifically in the past 200yrs. The weather patterns are fluctuating much more and vary each year. Thus, causing them to be more unpredictable.


  26. Might I add that the name of the company is Hewlett-Packard not "Hewlard" as stated in this weeks discussion group topic.

  27. In response to John...

    Hybrid cars are actually the same price as most regular cars (if not CHEAPER). A brand new 09 prius ranges from 18k-22k... And you can get an 08 for 8k-13k... Not including the money you will save on gas

  28. I think that going green is a great idea. It only makes sense to try to improve the environment we live in. I want the earth to be clean and free from cancerous toxins so my children can grow up in a cleaner atmosphere than I did. I think slowly but surely we are making the change to Go Green and hopefully we will save some money in the process!!

  29. Going green is a wonderful idea. It is helping our environment and improving the way we live. The going green process is a slow one for everyone to begin doing and understanding. But if everyone would learn, understand, and carry out the idea of going green just think of how better off people and environment would be.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. In response to Karli Kribbs...

    You own! ^_^

  32. I totally agree with everything John Aaron has said, just wanted to put that out there.

  33. I agree with going green for any reason.
    Response to David: Although you mention some statistic(I don't know where are they come from), there is no reason to keep polluting the earth. Emission greenhouse gas, burn fossil fuels are destory our planet. It's the time to stop(even is just slow down)it. Don't find any excuse to keep your act.
